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Writer's pictureRabbi Who Has No Knife

The Cryptographer’s Prayer

Dedicated to a Friend.

Oh Lord Eternal, our God and the God of our Forefathers, our King, who Sustaineth the Land in justice; who proclaimed by thine servant Solomon, king of Israel

"He that goeth about as a talebearer revealeth secrets; But he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth a matter” (Ibid 11:13);

and in thy Law thoa hast warned:

“You shall not steal" (Levit. 11:19)

and it is written:

"But if what he stole—whether ox or ass or sheep—is found alive in his possession, he shall pay double” (Exodus 22:3)

and it is said:

“Can any hide himself in secret places That I shall not see him? Said the Lord Eternal” (Jeremiah 23:24).

Lo, that upon thine servant ([Name] son of [Mother's name]) came an adversary and an enemy, who ambushes him as a bear. Your servant knows him not.

Never had he seen him nor harmed him.

He took not his donkey.

He burnt not his harvest.

He slaughtered not his ox.

But all the thought of the foeman's heart are but to cause evil- to eat his flesh and reveal his secret and present him bare and naked in the eyes of all the Earth.

It is possible, that the scoundrel pretends to be a friend, or that he is a wicked man hedging in a just one, or that he is a ruler who listens to false words, or one of his wicked servants. In his heart he thinks dark thoughts, but in his mouth he lies.

Therefore, oh Fortress of all Ages, the One who Does Justice for All Generations, the God who Reveals the Secrets of the World, no code can encrypt a thing from you:

Place in your servant’s heart a wise and cunning thought, knowledge and understanding and good counsel of war.

May his mind be wide,

May his eye sharp,

Mayhis hand steadfast,

To take restitution and give retribution,

Send upon his enemies confusion,

Give his eyes no rest,

'Til he restores fast,

All that was stolen and else.

Amen. May thus be thy will.

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