For you, our Republic,
We carried arms,
Brother his brother slew
As he met him by chance.
We parted home and hearth
And bid farwell
To our households,
And our blessed pantry-gods.
We fought so you stay
What thou art,
And not be pray
To the whims of the tyrant's heart.
We took with us,
But weapons, else nought
And the whetstone
To make keen their cut.
We return, broken,
Our gods defeated,
With our knives sharpened,
Yet still hidden,
We see triumphs, circuses, and glee,
The People celebrate their slavery.
For we have failed
The truth to evince:
Liberty cannot compel,
But only convince.
Unto it, Man must be wooed
If they are to be saved
For no slave
Against his will
Can be rescued.